
Katalog istraživačkog i inovativnog potencijala
Univerziteta u Kragujevcu

Kancelarija za poslovnu podršku Univerziteta u Kragujevcu

CTC UNIKG tempus
Serbian English


Poziv za Međunarodnu konferenciju o trećoj misiji univerziteta


U okviru Erazmus+ projekta „Institucionalni okvir za razvoj treće misije na univerzitetima u Srbiji“ organizuje se međunarodna konferencija „CONFERENCE ON THE THIRD MISSION OF THE UNIVERSITY 2018“ u Naučno-tehnološkom parku „Zvezdara“. 

Pozivamo profesore, istraživače i ostale zaposlene na univerzitetu, svršene studente, donosioce odluka i relevantne aktere uključene u razvoj treće misije da se prijave za učešće na konferenciji i pošalju rad do 15. septembra 2018. godine, u okviru jedne od tri tematske oblasti:

  • Transfer tehnologija i inovacije
  • Kontinuirano obrazovanje
  • Društveno angažovanje.


Academic continuing education / University LLL

Social engagement

Technology transfer and innovation 

● Strategy: how do universities include continuing education (CE) in their strategy, areas of potential for growth for CE

● Creating stimulating atmosphere for volunteering on HEIs 

● Bridging the gap between academic and business technology development and research

● Reputation and quality assurance of CE: (inter­national) accreditation etc.

● Social Enterpreneurship 

● New trends in digital technology which facilitate technology transfer

● University cooperation for life-long learning: (inter)-national partnerships incl. Erasmus+

● Encouraging scientists to shape public agenda and to participate in public debates

● Improvement of technology readiness level by proof of concept initiatives

● Student life-cycle: universities as partners for life-time (incl. career centers, alumni clubs, etc.)

● Open access for publicly funded research

● Unlocking the potentials of HEIs for fostering innovations in the market

● Delivery modes in CE: research-led learning, transfer of knowledge, e-learning, etc. 

● HEIs as the parts of the local community

● Development of TTI supporting infrustructures

● Diversity in student population: CE as a means to attract non-traditional students (e.g. elderly, people without matura, ethnic minorities, etc.)

● Contribution of HEI in developing social innovations  

● New financial mechanisms for innovations 

● Integartive approach in CE activities at university level 

● Development of regional innovation ecosystem

● Intelectual property management at university level

Zvanični jezik konferencije je engleski.

Nema troškova kotizacije.

Radovi će biti recenzirani i objavljeni u Zborniku radova.


Više informacija možete naći na sajtu

http://www.if4tm.kg.ac.rs/article/conference/ .



Poziv (Call for Papers)

Prijavni formular (Application Form)

Uputstvo za pisanje radova (Guidelines for Manuscript)
