
Catalogue on Research and Innovation
Potential of University of Kragujevac

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Serbian English


Promotion of the Competition 2019 in the Creativity Center of the University of Kragujevac for representatives of the student organizations of the fac


Promotion of the Competition for the best student idea was held on January 25, 2018. in the Creative Center of the University. On that occasion, the meeting was attended by student representatives from the faculty of the University of Kragujevac. Through the presentation, students are introduced to the possibilities, rules, and activities of the competition, as well as the previous work and the existence of the competition. During the interactive presentation, students shared their experience from previous competition and expressed their desire to join promotional and applying activities on the competition with their teams. Equipment of the University’s Creative Center has been also shown to the students, that equipment  will be available to the participants in the competition for the creation and development of the innovative ideas.

List of participants
